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Councillors in Barking and Dagenham have approved the Business Plan of Be First,  the council’s in-house regeneration organisation for the next five years.

Councillor Darren Rodwell, Leader of Barking and Dagenham Council, said: “Be First is delivering hundreds of new affordable homes for local people and making a financial surplus which can be used to fund frontline services for our most vulnerable residents.

“Barking and Dagenham is a benchmark for socially responsible regeneration and with the Covid 19 crisis causing untold damage to the economy, we need to invest in Regeneration  now more than ever.”

Pat Hayes, Managing Director of Be First said: “Over the next five years we will deliver thousands of new affordable homes on the Council’s behalf as well as projects like the Dagenham Film Studios and make a financial surplus of around £15m for the Council to invest in key services.”

The Business Plan highlights several key areas where Be First is and will be continuing to deliver for the borough.

They are:

  • Be First has delivered 427 new homes since 2017.
  • Be First have taken the lead in progressing the Film Studios project and has submitted a planning application to be decided in July.
  • Is on track to deliver a  £15m surplus by 31 March 2021 to the council having generated around £6m from its activities in 19/20 – meaning more funds for local services.
  • Will deliver around 3,000 new council owned homes by 2025.
  • Will manage major regeneration of Barking Town Centre, resulting in more homes, and a wide range of retail and leisure facilities.
  • Develop a vision for Dagenham Dock that focuses on opportunities which arise from the relocation of the City of London’s  wholesale markets.
  • Continue to press C2C to improve to the look and feel of Barking Station.