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We’re continuing to progress the Barking and Dagenham 2037 draft Local Plan through the statutory examination process. Having an adopted Local Plan is essential to deliver the Borough’s ambitious growth plans over the next 15 years for housing, jobs and supporting social infrastructure e.g., health, schools and green space.

The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Local Plan (the submission Local Plan) was submitted to the Secretary of State on the 21 December 2021. However, we need to make some changes to the draft Plan before we can proceed to the main public examination stage. Following the preliminary hearings which took place in July 2022, the Inspector’s provided the Council a letter detailing the necessary steps required (Barking and Dagenham Stage One Hearings Next Step Letter). This paused the examination and requested the Council undertake further work associated with the Green Belt and Gypsy and Travellers, and to consult on a number of changes to the submission Local Plan to rectify Drafting Errors identified in the submission Local Plan and on the submission Policies Map.

We are now consulting on the proposed changes referenced above. These relate to both drafting errors and Gypsy and Traveller sites. We recommend you read out consultation cover letter for full details on the scope of the consultation before submitting a response: Consultation Cover Note.

Those who wish to make representation should note that we’re only consulting on specific amendments to the Local Plan, not the whole document. All representations made during the Reg 19 (1) and Reg 19 (2) consultations will be considered by the Inspectors, we do not require comments made previously to be repeated.

If you’re interested in learning more about these proposed changes and would like to submit your comments, the representation form, documents being consulted upon and updated evidence relevant to the modifications being made can be found here: Representation made via email should be sent to

This Initial Modifications Consultation will run from Thursday 22nd June 2023 until 23:59 on Monday 7th August 2023. Following this, all responses will be submitted to the planning inspectors for their consideration. Please note, responses to this consultation will be published online, although personal information (excluding names) will be redacted.

Hard copies of the documents being consulted on, alongside any new evidence relevant to these changes, is also available in hard copy at Barking Town Hall and Dagenham Library. Postal submissions should be made to:

Planning Policy Team

Be First

5th Floor, MAKE IT Barking

15 Linton Road


IG11 8HE