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The Council is calling on local residents to take one last look at its final draft of the Local Plan this autumn.

The Local Plan is a vitally important planning tool that sets out where and what kind of development will be encouraged in Barking and Dagenham between now and 2037.

Consultation started at the end of 2019 and hundreds of comments and suggestions have been received and considered before the final draft was published this week.

Cllr Cameron Geddes, Cabinet member for Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development, said: “I cannot stress enough how important the Local Plan is – it will help to determine the scale, pace and quality of development that takes place in the borough over the next 20 years and sets out how we will ensure that local people really feel the benefit.

“We’ve strengthened this plan very significantly since the last draft, in response to the hundreds of comments and suggestions we’ve received. So, I must thank everybody that responded, but ask them to take a final look before we submit the final draft at the end of the autumn.”

Every local planning authority is legally required to have a Local Plan which sets out where the council expects growth to occur and what kinds of growth it will support. It is a technical document but it is used by planners to determine whether investors, developers and builders’ plans are permissible.

The draft plan will be submitted to an independent planning inspector for examination by the New Year but the final public consultation will run from 11 October to until 28 November.

The draft is now available online

In addition, the Citizens Alliance Network is hosting a series of online presentations and discussions.

Wayne Trevor, Citizens Alliance Network project manager, explained: “As well as determining what sort of homes and jobs are available to local people in the next few years, the Local Plan also talks about lots of key policy issues such as how we protect and enhance the environment, and how do we encourage residents to live more active, healthier and more sustainable lives.

“These issues are vitally important for the borough so we’re keen to capture residents’ views and suggestions through our online workshops.”

Details of the workshops are available on the Council’s website. Search for Local Plan.