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Local residents will be asked to give their views on plans to redevelop the Gascoigne area this month. 

Be First is hosting two consultation events on proposals to deliver more homes and improve the environment while making it better connected to the town centre and the River Roding. 

Pat Hayes, Managing Director of Be First, said: “We want residents to get involved in the process and help shape our plans to improve the Gascoigne area. 

“Our proposals will help deliver hundreds more top-quality affordable homes for local people but we need the views of the local community to make sure we make the new Gascoigne a beacon of 21st century living.” 

The first event takes place on Tuesday, 10 March at Gascoigne Primary School (main entrance Gascoigne Road) from 2.30 to 7.30pm.  

It will provide an opportunity to examine the proposals for 222 new homes as the latest phase of the development on the east side of Gascoigne Road and to work with architects White Arkitekter, to consider ways that the area can become better connected to Barking town centre and the flourishing communities along the River Roding.  

The second event takes place on Thursday, 19 March at The Boathouse Studio in the Icehouse Quarter off Abbey Road. It will showcase proposals to build almost 400 new homes on the area on the corner of Gascoigne Road and St Paul’s Road, opposite Abbey Green.