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Artists' impression of the new studio

The development of London’s largest films studios is set to be considered at Barking and Dagenham Council’s cabinet this month (20 October).

A report drawn up by the council’s regeneration arm, Be First, recommends that the most effective way to deliver a world-class film and TV production centre in Dagenham would be to lease the site to a studio operator on the proviso they build and manage the studios.

This comes after extensive discussions with potential bidders and industry experts and the formal granting of planning permission for the studios last month.

Pat Hayes, Managing Director of Be First, said the proposals offer the best way to deliver the transformational project.

He said: “Demand for film production facilities in the UK remains incredibly high, so it’s not surprising we received a great deal of interest in the Dagenham studios project.

“We received very strong bids to develop the studios and following evaluation, we are recommending the council agrees a long lease to the best of these operators.”

If the cabinet agrees to the proposals the council’s chief operating officer will be given authority to lease the land to the preferred bidder.

A further announcement on who the Council will lease the land to will be made in November if Cabinet agrees to the proposals.