The Factory District Transformation Area

Located in the Thames Estuary Growth Corridor in Barking and Dagenham and just 30 minutes from the City of London, Be First’s Thames Road development, also known as The Factory District, is looking for investment partners.

Illustrative strategic vision - Thames Road Factory District
Illustrative drawing - Thames Road Factory District
The Factory District is a designated Transformation Area with policy support for 3,500 homes alongside modern industrial and commercial uses. It will transform under used brownfield land into a co-living business and residential district and provide modern, lighter industrial uses, leveraging the local strengths of film, food, construction, logistics and science and innovation.
Overall, the development is anticipated to deliver a gross development value of £1.83bn.

The Factory District investor video

A roadmap for success

To ensure a clear roadmap for delivering this opportunity, Be First recently completed the Thames Road Place Strategy with the Mayor of London and submitted the Strategy to the Greater London Authority together with a grant funding application. Be First will shortly release the Thames Road Vision and Design Code, a Supplementary Planning Document to guide development in this location.

The document provides planning guidance to shape the growth and development of the Thames Road area. We are planning for high-quality affordable housing, modern and diverse industrial buildings, new parking layouts, and innovative community infrastructure and spaces to the area.

To learn more about the vision for the Thames Road community, please visit

Barking and Dagenham’s statutory planning services are ranked first nationally and have established an environment of planning certainty to enable regeneration. Since 2021, Be First has secured planning permission for up to 6,253 homes and 315,302 sqm of commercial floor space.

The London Plan recognises east London, specifically within the A13 corridor, is a priority opportunity for regeneration, economic development and strategic growth.

For further information about this investment opportunity, please email or contact the team:

Geoff Raw
Managing director

Caroline Harper
Deputy Managing Director 

David Harley
Development Director

You can also find out more about The Factory District by viewing the Opportunity London Investment Prospectus.